Wednesday 6 December 2017

Nano Intensive Whitening Strips Review

Nano Intensive Whitening Strips Review

Though we love our daily cup of java or tea, it wreaks havoc on our teeth. Sooner or later, those drinks show on our teeth with unsightly discoloration. There are numerous whitening kits on the market, but a UK company has caught our eye with their unique approach and promising product. In this Nano Intensive Whitening Strips review, we’ll be examining how they work and how they can help!

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Quick NavigationAbout the ProductPros & ConsHow is it helpful?The Two-Fold ProblemOxidationEnamelSensitivityDamage-FreeUK ManufacturedWhat do customers say?Summing Up

About the Product

nano intensive whitening strips

The Nano strips are focused not only on great whitening results but also helping to remineralize teeth, which reduces sensitivity. If you shy away from whitening due to sensitive teeth, this may be a great solution.

The strips are applied 60 minutes per day for 14 days. This is double the daily time of some other brands, however, that’s possibly due to the Nano pain-free approach. To avoid sensitivity, these strips are free of common chemicals which help other brands work faster. Not only that, but the packaging claims to visibly whiten your teeth about three shades in one use.

Nano’s whitening strips appear to be similar to shineUP’s “Brightly White Teeth Whitening Strips.” They both contain the same number of strips, however, per the labels, shineUP’s formula has a few more chemicals than the Nano whitening strips. The box comes with twenty-eight whitening strips for a two-week treatment. The fact that this is not a quick treatment bodes well for me regarding how long-lasting it may be. Due to the two-week timeframe, these strips may not be for you if you need something last-minute.


Pros & Cons

  • checkPossibly long-lasting
  • checkPeroxide-Free equaling little or no sensitivity issues
  • checkFewer chemicals
  • Need to be worn for 60 minutes daily
  • Cannot expect immediate results
  • Slightly pricey

How is it helpful?

The Two-Fold Problem

The core principle behind the Nano product line is to provide dental care that whitens while promoting the continued health of your teeth. They recognize we have all been taught the importance of caring for our skin and hair, but comparatively little is taught about quality dental care. Resulting sensitivity from whitening products is a real issue. Many popular brands available are not only painful during application, but leave customers with days of sensitivity, if not more. The Nano whitening strips aim to provide a whitening option free from the fear or pain of sensitivity.This could revolutionize the idea of whitening treatments for people who shy away due to extremely sensitive teeth or previous bad experiences. I personally struggle with extremely sensitive teeth from numerous dental procedures, so I’m very excited to know there’s a pain-free whitening product on the market now.


nano bubbles

Though the specific ingredients are rather vague with the Nano strips, they are labeled as having a specific “oxidizing ingredient” for efficient whitening. Oxygenated products are helpful for your teeth because they bring in fresh oxygen, killing the problem-causing anaerobic bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria have been known for causing bad breath, compromising your gums, and discoloring your teeth. Not only do the Nano strips contain these molecules for fresher breath, but it’s an extra boost for whitening. While we don’t know exactly what ingredient is present in these strips, molecular compounds such as Oxyd-8, CoQ10, xylitol, tea tree oil, and aloe vera are all great for oxidizing. This knowledge of oxidation and active ingredients certainly would have come in handy recently when I was shopping for toothpaste to lift the tea stains from my teeth.



inside of tooth

One unique aspect of the Nano strips is how they may help repair enamel and keep it strong. One of the reasons why whitening can hurt is because it typically uses intense chemicals to penetrate the pores of your teeth’s dentin layer, which is near the pulp with your nerves. While this doesn’t damage your enamel, it doesn’t necessarily help it either. Standard bleaching products leave the inner channels of your teeth open and exposed, causing tooth dehydration and the typical pain associated with whitening.

Most whitening products are solely concerned about stripping stains off your teeth without much care for the enamel. I like how the Nano product line cares for the whole tooth in the whitening process, to gently but effectively lift stains without dehydrating your enamel. When using the Nano whitening strips, you may feel more confident in the general health of your teeth, knowing that they most likely aren’t being stripped of minerals or exposed to harsh chemicals.


sensitive teeth man

It’s common knowledge that teeth whitening and teeth sensitivity go hand in hand. There are numerous reviews, articles, and videos gracing the internet with stories of resulting sensitivity from whitening treatments. The Nano whitening strips are a huge step up in this aspect alone. Sensitivity from standard bleaching products is caused by hydrogen peroxide, which is what invades beyond the enamel to remove the deepest stains. Nano whitening strips are peroxide-free, which gives us a gentle and non-invasive whitening option.I love that this company specifically made sure these don’t further irritate sensitive teeth or cause sensitivity, which makes them unique on the market. This may be fantastic for you if you have sensitive teeth and you’ve always felt apprehensive about trying a whitening product!


These whitening strips are labeled as being free of several common damaging chemicals. If you are looking for a healthier, though still effective product, this may be a great option for you. I feel like it’s easy to forget that chemicals in dental care still get absorbed into our bodies, so I like that these strips account for that. For those of us who are conscious of what we put into our bodies, it’s good to know these have fewer chemicals. We often hear of harmful chemicals leading to cancer, so it never hurts to choose a product without a few of these synthetic compounds! The Nano whitening strips don’t contain sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, or triclosan.

paraben freesulfate free label

Sodium lauryl sulfate helps toothpaste foam, thicken, and acts similarly to soap. While that doesn’t sound bad, there are downsides to SLS as well. First, it defeats the purpose of fluoride by greatly reducing the amount that is deposited on enamel. Second, it can be a cause or aggravation of mouth ulcers, commonly known as canker sores. These sores can be extremely painful and recurring. Knowing these whitening strips doesn’t contain SLS may help you feel more confident that your fluoride is actually helping your teeth. Fluoride can greatly help reduce sensitivity in teeth, so choosing a product that doesn’t undermine fluoride’s effect may indeed help with sensitivity overall. 


Further, it may be a good idea for people prone to canker sores to avoid products with SLS due to its triggering nature. This would have been quite useful when I was struggling with lots of canker sores, and my dental products were probably making it worse. Now that I know what ingredient to look for, I can avoid making breakouts worse in the future.Parabens have been circulating the web and health groups for a while now due to their possible association with cancer. Though direct links haven’t been made between parabens and carcinogens, they have been found in breast cancer tumors. Parabens imitate estrogen in our systems, of which is always something to be wary. 

The knowledge that these whitening strips are labeled as specifically paraben-free may help you feel better about how you’re caring for your body in more than one way when you use them. Not only may your teeth show the evidence of a good product, but you would be avoiding potentially harmful additives.Triclosan is a big problem with dental care. Nearly every major brand has removed it from their products by now due to the issues associated with it. Triclosan works similarly to an antibiotic in that it doesn’t just kill off bad bacteria--it completely eliminates all traces of good and bad bacteria. When all bacteria is removed, the natural flora in your mouth is imbalanced, which is basically the ecosystem keeping everything normal. When Triclosan is used, more often than not, bad breath and problems with dry mouth result. 


Though it’s fairly common that this ingredient no longer appears in most dental care products, it’s still good to know Nano whitening strips don’t contain it either. This would probably be great for people who have had bad experiences with harsh prescription mouthwashes. When you’re already struggling to recover from prescriptions eliminating your good bacteria, the last thing you need is yet another product disrupting it again.

UK Manufactured

made in the uk

An interesting fact about Nano whitening strips is that they are entirely manufactured, tested, and distributed in the UK. I have read Britain has slowly been manufacturing fewer products among themselves, so knowing the strips are entirely produced within the UK is neat. What does it mean for this product line to solely operate in the UK? These products have more than likely been produced with high standards, high-quality materials, and passed the UK’s testing protocol. I’m sure this may give those of you in the UK a peace of mind since the assurance of the product has been thoroughly tested by standards you know and uphold.

What do customers say?

Praises abound for Nano whitening products, especially the whitening strips. The reviews for these strips are solidly positive with only a small percentage of negative reviews. The existing negativity typically stems from customers who ended their treatment before completion. However, customers who have used the product properly rave about the bright, pain-free results.

Positive Aspects Coming From Customers:

  • Whitens teeth multiple shades brighter
  • Pain-free during treatment
  • Zero post-treatment sensitivity

Negative Aspects Coming From Customers:

  • Not immediate results
  • Strips leave extra gel on teeth
  • Tastes strange during treatment

Summing Up

It is a challenge to find whitening products that don’t leave behind sensitive teeth. It’s even harder to find products that can be tolerated by those of us with pre-existing sensitivity. Likewise, if you find a painless product, it rarely makes a difference. Finally, whether a whitening product is pain-free or not, choosing a trustworthy brand without added chemicals can be difficult.The Nano Intensive Whitening Strips could potentially eliminate these issues by providing a peroxide-free option. It avoids penetrating your dentin, which often results in sensitivity both during treatment and after. Their formula utilizes oxidizing ingredients which may ensure effective whitening by removing the anaerobic bacteria. Further, the company recognizes the dangers of SLS, parabens, and Triclosan, and consequently keeps their products free of such chemicals. 


Nano Intensive Whitening Strips Review Read more on: Pearlywhytes blog

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